David "prodigy" Lee's WORLD
Asian Boy Uhmm...yeah...this kinda looks like me. I guess. I've changed a bit though.I have long hair now...
Anyways, this web page is an outlet for my sarcastic persona going buck wild.

Hey!!! Look it's me, as a sperm cell.
Since then I have manifested characteristics both physical and personal
I have two arms, two legs, and all the other appendages that human males have
Below are a few things of which I find enjoyable:
-Jazz and Hip Hop Music
-Reading and writing
-Greek Mythological stories and art
-Art paintings
-Chemistry...ohhh love it!!!
-STARCRAFT!!!!...I'm hooked
-Break dancing
-running around naked

The Genesis of My Self...
DNA-Deoxyribo Nucleic...ahh who cares!! As time passes on...my DNA slowly is mutating. Eventually I hope to become the perfect being. Not to say that I ever will be. But I will continue to evolutionize until I have reached the zenith greatness.
It is futile to go into it, because normal beings cannot comprehend the extent of this vision.

But until I do become that perfect being I remain a student @ the University of California Riverside
I am a Bio-Medical Sciences Major, and an English Minor
Currently I am involved with the following organizations:
-SXY/Import Showoff Magazine writer
-www.upnext.com Promtions manager/writer
-Mainstream/Kokoro Entertainment
-Asian Community Times (ACT) staff writer/designer
-Riverside Community Service Association president/founder
-Professional Flatworm Immitator
-Napoleon Bonapart lookalike
-Avid jump roper

Asian-American Web Magazine

Invisbl Skratch Piklz
DJ crew up north, tearin' it up

NEW!!! Vinroc's new web site
Sponsored by Da Hype Entertainment, has the downlow on the 5th Platoon member

Email me on:
[email protected]

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